Isekai Awakening 1.17.0


Added a new character Miko

Added the pregnancy Xray for Mio 9 days after pregnancy to check gender of newborn

Changed the design of Basement (Removed all equipment and made it simpler)

Added new stats for Basement Thirst Hunger, Days spent

Added Basement event for Mio when her obedience is over 100

Added Cum and piss in bowl or cum on floor animations

Added 4 sex scenes for Mio in Basement

Added a scene for Extreme Content for Mio in Basement

Added Rika's Basement to match with new basement design

Added an animation for Licking Cum or Piss for Mio when she's hungry or thirst

Added delivery event for Mio's newborn Male or Female, Female more chance

Added talking sprite and animation for Male and female-born

Added effect of Growth Seeds on Newborn

Other small text events and bugfixes and images/icons


Isekai-Awakening1.17.0.apk 304 MB
63 days ago 376 MB
63 days ago
Sep 27, 2023

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Hello, I would like if you can help me, I'm lost. I want to explore more by clicking on the icon where the world is, but it tells me that I need permission from the castle, but I already have it unlocked and I don't know what to do. I already talked to the girls and I don't know how. increase the progress and I wanted to know if you can help me [I'm on v1.17]