New Public Version 1.54.5


Unlocked Mage's location

Added 3 new map for Map(Exterior/Groundfloor/1st floor)

Added Sleeping and Idle animation for Mage

Added a crystal cards remembering minigame for the mage

3 levels of difficulty.

Added a tutorial how to play the crystal cards remembering minigame

Added Status window and Basic event setup for the Mage

Added a new CG Hana+Lucie

Hana can now reset her virginity with powers of the elf Lucie

Added text for Rika+Hana event

Added 4 sound effects for shooter minigame(Randomized when being hit)

Added a new Skill "Hypnotic music" in skill tree and in UI as well

Fixed the Player's portrait a bit(Erased the left ear)

Music minigame is not implemented yet but is there in the game(hidden but can be accessed)

Bugfixes and updated the Top Supporters Patreon list.


IsekaiAwakeningPublic1.54.5.apk 177 MB
Aug 12, 2023 242 MB
Aug 12, 2023

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Oh my gosh, I've been saying this for a long time but there's no answer to my question. I have a spare phone, namely Oppo a12 with 4 ram but it's still stuck on the white screen,Bahasa Indonesia:

how can I upgrade the level with mia and haru?

By working for them and beating haru in armwrestle

Thanks, I've tried both but I'm still stuck. I'm stuck with Mia at level 4, full trust and lust but even after the cutscene she's still a virgin. I can go to the stable but can't do nothing with her. With Haru I've tried armwrestle her and win by margin but nothing happens, lust increase only with songs. Do you thing it's bugged or am I missing something? Btw nice game and thanks for the fast response

I went into the dungeon and found the tentacles, but i can't fight them, do i just have to wait for future releases?


You have to find the girl