Hey does anyone know where i can find the tentacles are in dungeon I mean I did found it but I don't know what to from there + how can I beat the domain in church(i think the version 1.07)
So I bought the top tier for the extreme code for 1.06. When I put in the code. It says it was wrong. As proof that I had top tier the code started with 3
Jackie boy do you know the extreme code for v1.05 Android? I'm trying to find some help , but some guys are hopeless because they never tried v1.05 yet. Can you help pretty pls 🙏.
I've noticed another update came in so can you show a clue/hint or 2 for extreme code would you kindly? I've tried to find a code what I'm looking for v1.06 but it's hopeless, can you help pls 🙏?
Let me be honest... I know your game is cool and fun, but I really... really need a guide to play it ;-; I don't know how to get permission from the castle and yet I thought the game is crash or something so I had to restart from the beginning
So please ;-; anyone who already master/Pro at this game, I'm begging you to show me the guide how to play it
The crash happens on Android I've tried optimising it in latest version... the guide you can find by joining the discord server and going to Important links channel.
Hello, you have done a good job in making this game possible, but I have a question, how do I unlock the scene in the barn with Mio? I have it at its maximum, and I still don't know how to unlock the scene, it would be a great help if you could answer me.
After I find the tentacles, when I want to go in any direction other than going back, even if it is noon, it suddenly becomes night, can you describe it in more detail?
No matter what I do the baker girl was still a virgin even do we already have sex. And I can't level up lust and trust with the blacksmith. And the girl upstairs in the bar turned from broken to virgin after we had sex.
← Return to game
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I cannot find the password for extreme mode eee
Hey does anyone know where i can find the tentacles are in dungeon I mean I did found it but I don't know what to from there + how can I beat the domain in church(i think the version 1.07)
Me too, the walkthrough said I should go north first but it ain't working same to the other direction too...
oh I think I got the way...I think it goes: north north west south and then east as I remember I think the same goes for the domain too
hint: East South
Hi I cannot click on Hana in the Bar or interact with her. is this a known bug and is there a fix to it?
Did you load an old save file?
yes i did, i transfered it from previous versions
how to get lust orb...?
i cant get it
Play song of lust in south of Sex Maiden location then click the orb
I played the list song but I can't collect the orb
Im currently playing on Android version and I can't find the lust orb...
South of Sex Maiden location
Can you add birth content?
Where is the orb of lust?
South of Sex maiden location
So I bought the top tier for the extreme code for 1.06. When I put in the code. It says it was wrong. As proof that I had top tier the code started with 3
It works on latest version the which is 1.09 please DM me on where you're subscribed, You have the correct code just the wrong version.
Well I unsubcribed soon after since I am still tight on money. I was subscribed on subscribedstar
Where do get the extreme code for 1.06 if we paid for the top tier?
Its linked in the latest version post
Jackie boy do you know the extreme code for v1.05 Android? I'm trying to find some help , but some guys are hopeless because they never tried v1.05 yet. Can you help pretty pls 🙏.
Its unavailable in the public version.
I've noticed another update came in so can you show a clue/hint or 2 for extreme code would you kindly? I've tried to find a code what I'm looking for v1.06 but it's hopeless, can you help pls 🙏?
Once the game is finished, would you publish the game on Steam cuz my country or region its e-wallet unable to make purchase on itch.io and Patreon.
Yes you can wishlist it on Steam.
Would you kindly tell me the code for extreme content pls?
where do i find the code for the extreme content
Find Tentacles and Click them to defeat, there are 2 routes in underground.
May I ask what numbers are the limit codes
Excuse me, what are the four numbers for extreme content
What are the locations of the tentacles in the well and how do I get to them?
Use Compass from mage shop to locate.
Excuse me, what are the four numbers for extreme content
how do i get haru past progress 2? i have it maxed.
Wait for future updates.
ok i didnt know if it was in the current update or not and just figured id ask
Got some problem.
Let me be honest... I know your game is cool and fun, but I really... really need a guide to play it ;-; I don't know how to get permission from the castle and yet I thought the game is crash or something so I had to restart from the beginning
So please ;-; anyone who already master/Pro at this game, I'm begging you to show me the guide how to play it
The crash happens on Android I've tried optimising it in latest version... the guide you can find by joining the discord server and going to Important links channel.
How do you open the skill point menu on mobile version
How do I launch game on pc?
Is extreme content patron only?
Is there a guide for how to do quests?
Posted in Important Links Channel on Discord
How can i increase Haru trust
When I enter the game it shows error please fix it I want to play this game really much
It shows on android due to low ram or old android version
How can i increase Haru trust?
Will make it soon
We're working on trailer
How can releasea rera?
Level her to 5
the spell, creator and thank you
How do I even unlock the fight? I'm so confused...
When is the next public update
my patreon extreme content code doesn't work I play on mobile
For supporters
Where can i find info to where rera is i can find tentacles but cant find rera pls help
She is also there in another route.
Hello, you have done a good job in making this game possible, but I have a question, how do I unlock the scene in the barn with Mio? I have it at its maximum, and I still don't know how to unlock the scene, it would be a great help if you could answer me.
That part was removed after someone reported that content on Patreon.
accidentally brought myself back in time to day 1, and i can't talk to the witch. how do i go back to the time I was at before?
You used song of time... it can only take you back in time.
Yep the King tier version is 3 version ahead of public and Slave Maker tier is 1 version ahead
It is ahead of public and behind king
What am I supposed to do after finding the magician's sister in the undergrounds??
İ cant find the rera when i find the tentacles but i cant move any where because the time is suddenly becoma a night need help
You have to start in morning if you were able to find Tentacles then you should be able to find Rera as distance between them is same
After I find the tentacles, when I want to go in any direction other than going back, even if it is noon, it suddenly becomes night, can you describe it in more detail?
If you'll click the direction buttons 3 times then it'll progress the daytime
No matter what I do the baker girl was still a virgin even do we already have sex. And I can't level up lust and trust with the blacksmith. And the girl upstairs in the bar turned from broken to virgin after we had sex.
The baker girl is a bug that will be fixed, the other 2 work.
any plan for a furry character in the future?
How to impregnate girls other than Rika ????