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Is it possible to collect all the souls, if so where are all of them?


When you choose the slave roote are you not able to get them pregnant im confused and how do ypu get the code for extreme content


is there a way to complete/destroy the domain in mary's house? i found them both and dont knowhow to porgress. Someone please help.

Where did you find the husband? Ive restarted 3 times and havnt been able to find him

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

when we can play on steam?

And will be enabled extra content in steam version?


how to press "escape" and "ok" in mobile?

Man i want to know it to, i tried in PC, enter and esc, but blocks/hit Rei and i beat him, maybe isn't Made the scenes

its literally just "z". whatever your attack key is bound to.

also all of the combos are arranged for right-facing setups, so if you're facing left, flip the combo keys

How do I open the game on PC after I download it??

Нету изменений на андроид 

How do you get lucie preg anyway

Im not sure. But you need make her max love and magic go to 0 by using elven wine and after giving her the wine you need to do you know what until her magic will drain to 0.after that there will be option to get her preg


Do i have to start over? Or is there way to backup ur old saves?

How do i get the heart in mary lust bar

The fights in the training grounds don't work on mobile at all. Are they necessary to progress?

Там сначало было камень ножницы бумага с фехтовальщицей


Как узнать экстрим код

Прокачивал силу у себя дома я всех убиваю и беру монстров по сельнее и использую специальные атаки


How do i actually be stronger? I can't seem to fight with kaleina or the monsters in the well

You can level up using the stats in players room.

I am stuck at the castle and can't find a way to progress past it. I am using the newer version and if anyone can let me know what I should do next?

same here, need solution!!

How do I upgrade mary to level 4? I rescued her from the dungeon but "lust control" was the only scene I unlocked and I'm stuck


More scenes depend on her location around the house

Thank I got it

А почему когда я нажимаю на маленький домик там написано в следующем обновлении но до тех пор не чего и Арк версия очень багавая надеюсь скоро всё исправят 

Nello jackie i I Russian ты не против если я буду говорить по русскому языку 

Мне нравятся твои горы не потому что они 18+ а по сюжету но я хочу сказать о богах 1 первый баг когда играешь на не экстрим персонаж может забеременеть и не родить 2 второй баг если играть на телефоне то в пекарне в выходные даже на экстриме персонаж не может взаимодействовать с лошадью и 3 третий баг не работает подземелье с ним нельзя взаимодействовать большое спасибо за всё и как узнать экстрим код у сан не работает дискорд надеюсь обновление скоро 


How do I unlock castle? It says I have to prove my virility.


level up each girl to 5-6 to unlock the ability to knock her up


Can aanyone tell me the codes


I would've enjoyed my time alot more if I hadn't encountered every single bug imaginable


is it possible to have any characters with smaller breasts


Is it possible to win against haruka in the meditation cave?

You can, it's just a reaction game. as soon as the exclamation mark appears, click on it


When will you add the X-Ray in the next version?


i found the flower but how to turn haruka into a human?

may i know the direction please?


how to find lust orb?


¿Cuál es el código para la versión extrema?


Jackie boy how i learn another songs

Where can i find haru's dungeon?

After you level up relationship with her to 2


Can someone tell me how to destroy the temple in Mari's house?

(1 edit) (-1)

How to increase the lust and trust of Mary and how to turn haruka back to human 

What i need to do


how to regain mana

this is the problem

how to win against haru in a sword fight.

That the neet part you don't

u just need to react on point by clicking

um,jackie,i cant level up, and the menu was stuck

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